Discord Event(s)
Wanna play a game..?
All game(s) are announced in discord and given a time limit to complete them. Rewards are distributed by the founder(s) and announced at the end of the time limit.
The Claw - Is a game ran in the discord where participants name a Baby Alien and put a picture of them in "the-claw" channel. The Claw will pick... may you be fortunate to be picked.
Fart Boy - Is a mini-game created by Mordof one of our Devs and found on Badaliens.io. It can be accessed by clicking on the center console. It also save(s) your high score. The game is simple.. DODGE THE POTATOES!? Best score(s) win.
Only The Best - Feature(s) a variety of topic based game(s) for example The Best Meme, The Best Fan Art, The Best Baby Alien Story, etc.
Smashkarts - A game of PVP style Mario kart where only one can be first.
Last updated